A downloadable tool

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Do you create a new project and have to re-write all the generic scripts because you don't have them stored anywhere, or do you have to redo them to make them compatible with the new project? FPS counter, coordinate conversion, color conversion, children destruction, and other tools everyone uses. 

Is it annoying to write the same scripts you use in almost every project over and over again, only to forget them and write them again? Is it annoying to google all the stuff repeatedly?

EasyThings is here to solve all your problems. It offers a variety of things you can use in your project and can get you easy access to functionalities that you probably use in every project and many more custom-made features.

This package is meant to be used in a 2D environment, check other requirements below. Read the documentation before using and importing the package. Read all the information below.

EasyThings Doc:  Documentation

EasyThings features:

Mono Scripts:

🔸SpriteAnimator - can be used instead of the default unity animator. It is optimized for 2D sprites. It boosts performance by almost 300%, is extremely easy to use, and offers a faster workflow. Using 2000 objects with idle animation in built-in unity animator led to 95FPS+-. Using the same objects with SpriteAnimator led to 400FPS+-.

🔸InteractiveText - with InteractiveText you can highlight specific keywords in your text, make them interactable and by clicking on them you can call specific functions. InteractiveText is dynamic, meaning updating the text won't affect the script at all.

Static Scripts:

🔸ETMouse - tries to cover most of the things people use when interacting with the cursor. Not only does it allow you to get easy access to many mouse functionalities such as getting objects that collide with the cursor, and checking if the cursor is over a UI element, but it also allows the user to set the software cursor position and the speed of the cursor. However, these two things work only on Windows, because it uses the System library to control the values directly via memory. Provided all the testing, the script seems fine, but still, use speed and software position only at your own risk. [44 functionalities]

🔸ETDrag - allows you to get access to dragging which, for instance, you can use for your units in your RTS game. You can choose to register colliding objects, visualize the drag, or change the color of the drag and many other things. [13 functionalities]

🔸Chance - covers a lot of useful things related to randomization. It can also generate a random Maze represented by a two-dimensional array filled with 1 and 0.  You can use the maze to generate objects. [26 functionalities]

🔸ETUtils - contains a few methods that may be useful to have such as converting colors, destroying all object children, etc. [13 functionalities]

🔸ETime - is a bonus script and contains a few methods that may be useful to have when working with in-game time. [26 functionalities]

🔸FPS - is a bonus script and contains a few thing related to FPS. [8 functionalities]


🔹EasyThings contains one script that depends on Unity’s TextMeshPro package. To use EasyThings, you need to have TMP installed in your Unity project or you will encounter errors. When importing from the Unity asset store. TMP should be installed automatically while importing the package. If you are importing the package directly via folder from itch io, be sure you have TMP installed too.

🔹EasyThings requires EventSystem to be in the hierarchy. EventSystem is created automatically with the ETManager if it doesn't already exist.

🔹Don't change the name of the ETManager object.

🔹Don't ever delete anything from the EasyThings folder.

Important info:

🔸EasyThings is currently in the testing phase. The package will be updated gradually, including bug fixes and adding new features based on your feedback. The price will remain the same and will not increase. Please, any comments, ideas for improvements, ideas for new features, and most importantly, ANY BUGS report to EasyThings discord.

🔸EasyThings is split into two types of scripts. Scripts that you use as a regular component and are attached to an object. Those are InteractiveText and SpriteAnimator. The second type is static and can be used directly via code. The scripts that require updating are controlled via ETManager and the user does not need to attach them to any object. 

🔸ETMouse and ETDrag scripts are initialized in Awake() method. If you try to use anything from these two scripts in the Awake() method, you may get a null reference error. Use the Start() method instead.


Buy Now5.00€ EUR or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of 5.00€ EUR. You will get access to the following files:

EasyThings.zip 731 kB

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